China is moving from its old model of export-oriented growth toward a less investment-driven and more consumer-driven economy. 中国正在从老的出口导向型增长转向减少投资拉动而更多地依靠消费拉动的增长模式。
The old ways of promoting growth cannot go on for ever. The country is facing constraints in its use of both resources and credit, says Wang Tao, a UBS economist. 瑞银(UBS)经济学家汪涛表示,推动增长的旧有路径不可能永远管用。中国在资源和信贷的使用上都面临约束。
It is unclear whether the lessened importance of GDP will spread to larger, richer cities, where powerful patronage networks have developed between government officials and traditional industries that have grown rich on the old growth model. 目前还不清楚这种降低GDP重要性的做法是否会推广到规模更大、更富有的城市。在这些城市里,通过旧的增长模式致富的传统产业与政府官员之间建立了强大的利益网络。
But the lower level of the government, because officials at local level have got used to the old economic growth pattern and they are mostly still following the old pattern of economic growth. 但在地方政府层面,因为一些官员对以往的经济发展模式习以为常了,大多数仍然在走老路。
In this day and age, it's not a sound business practice to trade in old growth wood. 在现今这个时代,做原生天然林的贸易并非聪明的商业行为。
Whether old age, or growth period, olive oil are human's best cooking oil. 无论是老年时期,还是生长发育时期,橄榄油都是人类的最佳食用油。
In this day and age, it's not a sound business practice to trade in old growth wood. modernization needs it, and so do regular business operations, cultural and educational exchanges, etc. etc. 在现今这个时代,做原生天然林的贸易并非聪明的商业行为。现代化需要它,商贸活动需要它,文化教育交流需要它,等等,不一而足。
"We continue to benefit from the sell-out of Old Trafford and the growth in commercial operations." We refinanced back in2006 and that structure provides long-term stability. “次贷危机不会给曼联带来负面的压力,”他说“我们依旧在从出售球票以及各种商业活动中获利。
Analysis of 0-6 Months Old Children's Growth Status in Zhejiang Province 浙江省0-6月龄婴儿体格生长状况的评价研究
China is embarking on a new wave of privatisation but efforts to streamline the bloated state sector will face formidable opposition from those who have grown fat on the old growth model. 中国正在掀起新一波的私有化浪潮,但精简臃肿的国有部门的努力,将面临那些获益于旧有增长模式的人的激烈反对。
The old stability and growth pact lacked all of these elements. That is why it failed. 旧的稳定和增长协定缺少以上所有元素,而这正是其失败的原因所在。
I abduct her around all the young people, with their old get my growth. 她掳走了我身边人所有的青春,用他们的苍老,换来了我的成长。
Mr. Strauss-Kahn said the old paradigm of growth based on US household demand was dead and the surplus countries needed to step into the breach. 卡恩表示,依赖美国家庭需求的旧增长范式已经过时,盈余国家需要填补需求空缺。
Multiple regression analysis of determinants of 4 months old infant growth in Guangdong Province 广东4月龄婴儿生长影响因素的多元回归分析
Based on an investigation of 10 site fixed individuals at three years old, the growth rhythm of boughs and branches of young Liquidambar trees was revealed. 通过对3年生枫香树幼林10株固定样株的观察调查,初步掌握了幼林枫香树主梢、侧枝的年生长规律。
This study utilized satellite Thematic Mapper ( TM) data, a geographic information system ( GIS), and spatial analysis tools ( Fragstats) to examine the fragmentation of an old growth mixed forest in Northeastern China, one of the most important timber bases in China. 应用卫星遥感技术,以及地理信息系统和空间分析手段研究中国东北一原始的针阔混交林的破碎过程。
Objective To prevent occurrence of limb's deformities and reduce deformities by allografts of cultured cartilages into old growth plate defects. 目的将培养软骨移植修复生长板陈旧性缺损,防止肢体畸形发生,减轻畸形程度。
Characteristics and comparison of spatial heterogeneity of the main species of Korean pine in old growth forests 红松老龄林主要树种的空间异质性特征与比较的定量研究
Studies on the Early-Late Correlation of 38-Year-Old Cunninghamia lanceolata Growth Characters 38年生杉木生长性状早晚相关的研究
Quality and Evaluation of Soil Fitting for Old Tree Growth in Shanghai 上海古树生长环境的土壤质量及评价
This paper re-visits the age old proposition that growth in the agricultural sector contributes to overall economic development, and asks whether the relationship still holds in an increasingly globalized world. 本文重新考察了农业部门增长对经济全面发展的贡献这一古老命题,并试图探讨在一个日益全球化的世界中,这一命题是否依然有效。有足够的经验证据支持这一命题。
Conclusion: The skeletal facial growth in vertical dimension from 13 to 14 year old falls into the accelerating period. After 14 years old, the growth velocity is slowed down. 结论:面部垂直向的生长从13~14岁处于生长加速过程,14岁后生长速度减慢。
The Structure Characters of Undergrowth Vegetation Composition in the Old growth Chinese Fir Forest 老龄杉木林下植物成分结构特征
In a seedling tree, tree height high speed growth period is quite long ( about 7 years) with a distinct turning age ( seven year old) when growth speed declines by a big margin and then becomes stable soon afterward and appears a convex growth curve. 实生的树高快速生长期较长(7a左右),有明显转折年龄(7年生时),生长速度下降幅度较大,出现凸型线形,随后生长速度比较平缓;
Body weight and shank length of recessive white feather chickens that were introduced and reared in high altitude environment were measured at 2~ 20 weeks old. Growth curves were fitted with logistic and Gompertz models. 试验测定了隐性白羽肉鸡在高海拔饲养环境中2~20周龄的体重和胫长,用logistic、Gompertz模型拟合了生长曲线。
The landscape fragmentation led to the regroup of tree species in spatial distribution within the old growth forest landscape in Fenglin, and the second growth forest landscape in Lilin and Yangshuhe. 从丰林自然保护区的原始森林景观到丽林-杨树河次生林,景观的破碎化将导致主要树种的空间分布宽度重组。
Objective: To study the effects of lead content in blood and nutrition status on 9~ 11 years old children for their growth and development. 目的:研究9~11岁儿童血铅含量和营养状况对儿童生长发育的影响。
In conclusion, there is a positive correlation between the old dependency ratio and the net exports, and there is a negative correlation between the old population growth rate and the net exports. 得到结论,老年抚养比与净出口呈现正相关关系,老年人口增长率与净出口呈现负负相关关系。
Old growth forest ratio in landscape decreases, softwood forest ratio and rare broad-leaved forest ratio turn high and constructive land patch enlarge apparently. 近、成过熟林在景观中所占比例减小,针叶和珍贵阔叶林比重增加,建筑用地斑块扩大明显。